Avon Case Study


When people think about Avon case study writing, the first thing that comes into their minds is the Avon-ladies and those well-known catalogues. Avon is an extremely well-known company but this does not mean it does not have its problems. 

During the 80’s Avon has had its shares of negativity but since then has bought itself up again and now into the 21st century it is trying many different options that could help to increase sales even if they have greatly climbed in the last four years. Get started with our best essay writing services around. Simply send us your Avon case study essay details, and we'll locate an expertly qualified writer to create a hundred per cent unique original content. It is your chance to impress. 


In the Avon case study, I recommend the company to focus on television advertisement commercials as they did in the early 90’s, it would make people more aware of the company as they already are. In addition, it will be useful to have telemarketers calling during holiday seasons and offering free catalogues. Direct mailing could also be of help.

Target Market

College students to me would be a great target market since most do not have enough money to buy department store makeup and even in drugstores Avon is known for its affordability and this group would be perfect to target. Once one friend has the makeup a ripple effect usually occurs. Groups of friends usually have the same things. Get more college term papers on our blog: https://us.essaywritingservices.org/blog/cheap-college-term-papers. As far as distribution is concerned Avon does do a good thing by offering customers the choice of buying directly from the distribution centres. This is a positive thing since the centres have served as showcases for products. To have the Avon products available for customers to purchase became more convenient in the question of time-saving. Most consumers like the idea of not having to call their distributor, place an order and then wait for the products to be delivered.

Distribution centres will let Avon products to become more accessible to the consumers in that area. When people start thinking about making an order and then about the necessity to wait for the production, they find it easier to run to the nearest shop or drugstore and to bye cosmetics there. This is why having products sold in department stores will for sure increase sales as more people would have access to the Avon product line.

Writing Help

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