Cause and Effect Essay


Cause and effect essay should give solid reasons and reliable explanations for the specific events. Cause and effect essay should give answers to the stated problems. When writing a case and effect essay, you may begin by stating the event or the situation you want to write about. Then, you may brainstorm your topic to generate good ideas for further analysis and development. These ideas can be either effects or the causes of the problem. In most cases, additional research to support the topic is needed.

Possible Cause and Effect Essay Topics

  • What are the effects of people on the natural environment?;
  • What are the effects of depression on humans?;
  • What are the effects of good learning habits on academic achievement?;
  • What are the causes of poverty and global hunger?;
  • What are the causes of global warming on humankind?;
  • What are the effects of television on the daily life of teenagers?;
  • What are the causes of crime in American society?;
  • What are the causes of teen pregnancy?

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Let this sample essay serve as a model for your college essays writing: Causes and Effects of Hurricanes.

“Hurricanes are a danger to everyone in their path. They cause billions of dollars of destruction every year and kill many people. But they are not random events of destruction; they are the result of the forces of climate, and they are even a necessary part of climate. There are also many variations between hurricanes. Some are very intense, while others are less. There also seems to be a change in the pattern of hurricane occurrence over time. Many people believe that hurricanes are becoming more frequent and more intense because of global warming. Others believe that hurricanes are becoming less frequent and less intense. Because the record of the weather has not been very long, it is difficult to know if which group is correct. Some help comes from very old records, such as those kept for thousands of years in the Guangdong Province of China. Other help comes from the new science of paleotempestology, which looks at the physical and geological record left by ancient hurricanes.

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Hurricanes get their energy from the warm, moist air over tropical oceans. The energy they get is latent energy, a kind of energy that is released when water changes phases and condenses from vapour in liquids—clouds and rain. This energy is absorbed by the air and makes it hotter and lighter. This air rises by convection. The energy-requiring to create a hurricane is large amounts of latent energy, and so it is over oceans at the hottest months that enough warm, moist air is available. Temperatures of at least 27 Celsium are needed in a layer of air “several tens of meters” deep. As a result, hurricanes will not from above 20 degrees latitude North or South”. presents custom essay writing services to students from around the globe. We help to ease the stress of students and help them score highest grades that can comfortably lay the cornerstones for their dream career strongly. Entrust us with all your essay writing tasks and our professional essay writing services provide you with quality output before the deadline.

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