Divorce Essay


The rate of divorce is more pronounced today then it has ever been. A divorce essay writing should highlight the reasons behind the growing rate of divorce- prime amongst which is the changing concept of the role of the sexes. This is in direct contrast to earlier times when things were pretty cut and dried since:

  • Men went to work to earn the bread and butter;
  • Women stayed at home to look after the children and the home

However, things are now very different from what they once were. A divorce essay writing should highlight that more than half of the jobs or occupations of the world are now held by women-many of who are also now the proud owners of businesses. Women today also actively participate in the world of politics as well as work. Moreover, our company offers professional academic writing services in any field of study. We guarantee high-quality, confidential essay writing performed strictly according to your instructions.

This has had many repercussions on the family as we know it since:

  • Women are now economically independent and have a lower threshold of tolerance. Whereas a woman in earlier times had very little choice and had to tolerate an abusive husband - today’s women do not depend so much on her spouse and so is more likely to walk out of a marriage on the slightest provocation;
  • A divorce essay can point out that working women have less time to give of themselves on the home front and many women make the world of working their priority;
  • Educated women are more independent and are less likely to compromise in order to keep a marriage going. You can elaborate on this point in a divorce essay;
  • Whereas the earlier tendency was to stick on for the sake of the children-(even in a bad marriage)- more and more people are now realizing that it is actually better for them to split and go their separate ways rather than bring up children in dysfunctional homes (read our free essay sample on gay marriage: https://us.essaywritingservices.org/blog/persuasive-essay-gay-marriage.html);
  • In a rural economy the husband and wife both shared the home as well as the place of work (the farm) but in the modern context, the women go to work in a separate environment and so does the man. With jobs becoming more stressful and demanding and with the escalating costs of the living - the job and not the home has become a priority as a result family life takes second place to career success and the result is the higher rates of divorce

Lastly, a divorce essay should support whatever you say with statistical information from authoritative sources. EssayWritingServices.org is a reliable custom writing service with decades of experience in academic writing industry. Our writers are always focused on quality, well-researched and authentic content. 

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