Free Personal Essay


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Free Personal Essay Excerpt

…Many nations continue to violate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Amnesty International maintains a list of human rights violations. Additions to the list in October 1997, the Egyptian and Gambian governments are cited with not protecting rights because of their failure to stop female genital mutilation. Ninety percent of Egyptian women have undergone female circumcision. Additionally, our writers often get requests to write personal narrative essays. So, a flexible range of possible due dates allows you to request long-term, normal or urgent work, depending on your individual needs...The United States is cited for mistreatment of prisoners in some jails. Middle Eastern countries are cited for violating the rights of women. China is cited for violation of free speech rights and for its treatment of political dissenters. Israel is accused of violating human rights for its attempted assassination of a Hamas leader. This monthly list is only a small fraction of the many violations of human rights by governments around the world. In contrast to those advocating education for individual liberation, some delegates wanted basic education to stress moral and spiritual values. Moslem countries were particularly concerned about the ethical and moral aspects of education. As Professor A. Boutaleb observed, "The first revealed word in the Holy Qu'ran is 'Read'." For Moslems, the fundamental reason for literacy is to be able to understand the moral teachings of the Qu'ran. Read our free argumentative essay sample: As Crown Prince Hassan of Jordan stated, "Education can and should be made to implant human values that should manifest themselves in the endeavours of groups and individuals, and in the struggle to improve the quality of life."10 It is important to note that Jordan is a monarchy and not a democracy. Also, in the context of Moslem religion, individual liberation is not achieved through political means but through adhering to the message of the Qu'ran….

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