Persuasive Essay Topics


One of the difficulties that you may confront when being asked to write a persuasive paper about whatever you like, is to select the subject of a real interest to you among the variety of possible persuasive essay topics. Below, several possible easy term paper topics along with useful hints for writing are presented. So, take advantage of them.

Persuasive Essay Topics: Abortion

  • What do you think about abortion? Do you consider it to be immoral? Unethical? Do you think an abortion is killing? These questions will help you brainstorm and get several ideas for writing. Think them over and formulate a thesis statement. Find evidence to support your point of view.

Persuasive Essay Topics: Capital Punishment

  • This is one more popular persuasive essay topic that you may choose if interested. Do you believe that only God has a right to judge people or people can do it in the name of God? Speculate on this question. Prepare a list of for and against arguments. Take the position you consider to be the most reasonable one. Read our free essay sample:

Persuasive Essay Topics: Censorship

  • If you decide to select this persuasive essay topic, try to persuade the reader in the importance of censorship today. You may also touch upon the Internet censorship. Do you consider the control over it should be much stricter? Remember, you have to incline the reader to accept your viewpoint, so, try to sound persuasive. You may find persuasive essay sample useful in this regard!

Persuasive Essay Topics: Gay Marriage

  • One of the most burning problems today is the problem of the same-sex marriage. This topic can be much interesting for discussion as well. If you decide to investigate it in your essay, present your position to the reader and tell whether you think gay marriage should or should not be legalized. If you have any questions, you are welcome to set them to the representatives of our custom essay writing service!

Persuasive Essay Topics: Euthanasia

  • Do you think that badly diseased people should be given a chance? Do you believe that a person can recover with God’s help no matter how poor his/her position is? Answer these questions and touch them upon in your persuasive essay. We are always online to offer professional essay writing services with wide range of academic assignments.

Persuasive Essay Topics: Terrorism

A persuasive essay on terrorism would certainly aim to persuade the reader in the importance of taking some measures to overcome the problem of the world terrorism. So, think what measures should be taken and whether this purpose is achievable. Provide enough evidence to support your opinion in the essay.

Mind that a good persuasive essay topic is debatable, it raises the public interest at once and makes people argue. So, good luck with your search of topics for persuasive essay.

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