Play Analysis


When studying literature you may get an assignment to write play analysis. It is a rather interesting task but it is challenging as well. To cope with it you will need good analytical skills. If you have any doubt regarding your ability to make good play analysis, read this article! 

Play Analysis: What Should You Do?

When an author writes a play, he/she has some intentions. As a rule, a playwright wants to say something to the reader, highlight some aspects of the social life, display human vices or discuss some other problems of our being. These intentions are hidden in words, gestures or actions of the play characters. Sometimes it is even difficult to understand at once what the playwright wanted to say or show with the help of one or another statement or action described. But if you have to make play analysis you should try to disclose all the hints of the author, reveal the essence of his/her play.

In what way can you do that? Let’s point out the main stages of making a play analysis. Sometimes, students are asked to write literary analysis essays because this type of assignment encourages to think about how and why a play was written. To successfully analyze literature, you'll need to remember that authors make specific choices for particular reasons. Click here to review our book analysis

Read a play. Your play analysis will not possess great problems if you know the play very well. So, do not be lazy and read it even if you have already known its contents. You should understand what you are reading. That is why:

  1. Do not miss any detail when reading a play. Be as attentive as possible.
  2. Make notes after your reading. Write down information may help you in making your play analysis. First of all, it concerns a play character analysis. Put down the names of the characters; describe the appearance of each of them, their main traits. Order a high-quality term paper in English literature: You may write down some quotations that may be the proof of your ideas.
  3. Express your opinion concerning the play.
  4. Try to define the playwright’s main ideas, determine what issues the author was going to highlight in the work.

Your play analysis should focus on a certain issue. So, after getting the general idea about the play determine the main point that you would like to make the subject of your study. Are you a huge fan of movies? Do you need to write a review or analysis of your favourite film? Check our free movie analysis sample. We will provide our analytic and research skills to create a perfect work for you!

Make an outline for your analysis. It should be well-structured and logically built. Split it into 3 main parts:

  • The introduction that gives the general information about the play: the title, the name of the playwright, the plot of the play and some other points you consider to be important;
  • Main body that should contain your play analysis in several paragraphs;
  • The conclusion that includes your own ideas summarizing your analysis.

After that, you may get down to writing.

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