Supporting Details in the Cause-and-Effect Analysis


When you start to decide what types of details to include in your cause and effect analysis, first think carefully about the thesis. Are you focusing solely on the causes of the event? Are you only looking at the effects of the event? Or does your thesis examine both causes and effects? has gained trust of our customers in the field of academic custom writing services. Do not hesitate to call us today and order your cause-and-effect analysis. Our writers will follow the required instructions in order to create an impressive cause-and-effect analysis. We are focused on clear and concise language, grammar and punctuation.

Using different patterns of development, especially exemplification, description and process analysis, can be helpful in determining your supporting details. As you write your essay, you will want to use exemplification to clarify the various causes and/or effects you are including. Description will also come in very handy; for instance, in the letter to the editor example above, you could describe the grim conditions of the overcrowded roads. Don't miss the article on cause/effect essay tips:

Finally, process analysis can help you to clearly lay out a chain of causes and/or effects. In Parrish’s essay, for instance, she describes how having kids actively receive a financial education will lead to kids and young adults who have more confidence in their abilities, which ultimately will lead to more financially responsible adults.

As you plan your cause and effect essay, you need to remember that events generally don’t have a singular cause and a singular effect. Instead, most events in life are complicated and have multiple causes and effects. Therefore, you need to reason through the causal analysis carefully and make sure you are not omitting any important causes or effects, which could mislead your reader. If all the causes and effects are not equally important, though, there’s no need to develop each one in equal detail.

As you develop your essay, you may also want to include a causal chain. Causal chains show how one cause leads to an effect, which then becomes a cause, and then turns into another effect, and so on. The Writing Center at Del Mar College shows how this process works. For instance, a simplistic cause-and-effect analysis would show the following:

  • Cause: Your car is out of gas;
  • Effect: Your car won't start

However, as the web page points out, events are generally more complex than this real-life example. A more complex analysis that incorporates a causal chain would look something like this: Thinking about friend…forgot to buy gas…the car wouldn't start…missed math exam…failed math course. 

Check out our company’s website to find out the details about our cause/effect essays writing services and don’t hesitate to place your first order. We guarantee quick delivery, 24/7 support and the top quality of your academic writings. Feel free to contact our customer service to learn any additional information.

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