The Boston Tea Party Free Essay


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The Boston Tea Party was known as one of the most famous events in the history of Boston, this was the result of troubles between Britain’s King George III and his American colonies. The main reason for the present conflict was the increasing tax on products from the colonists stated by the Parliament. The American population had to pay large taxes for the goods coming from England and the main challenges were connected with tea. The present event took place in Boston, a town in the British colony of Massachusetts, where people did not want to give back ships loaded with tea and destroyed all tea on the board. Find more English essay topics ideas on our blog. We have free essays revisions on a wide range of subject areas. Walker (2007) stated that “by boycotting British-taxed tea, people intended to force Parliament to repeal the last remaining tax of the Revenue Act” (p. 52). 

As for strategies used by Samuel Adam’s, as one of the main participants of the present historical event, he knew that the role of colonies for Britain was high, as this was a source of income for the country. So, first of all, he controlled that the ship was unloaded, and then they decided to be dressed like Indians in order not to be noticed and further on punished by the government. Building a foundation for critical and creative thinking when evaluating historical events is very important, as it is necessary not only to know the main participants and procedure of the event but also the moral judgments of the historical event. Looking for affordable history research paper writing help? Check out our free term paper sample on American history:

The basis of the moral judgments made by Samuel Adams and Thomas Hutchinson is presupposed by the fact that they acted with other Patriots for the greater good, as British Parliament did not have to raise taxes and result in such struggle between Britain and American colony. They wanted to lower taxes and make the life of people more prosperous and safe. Dolan (2001) stated that “one of the most hated taxes of all was contained in a law passed in 1767” (p. 8).  Due to the present tax, Americans had to pay huge sums of money for goods exported from England. This was the main reason, as Samuel Adams understood that nobody would help the naïve population living in Boston and the situation would become even worse in some period of time. That is why they decided to struggle against new laws created by Britain and Samuel Adams struggled for independence of colonies in future. Get affordable prices and refund policies for students across the globe at Our professional custom writing services will choose the most suitable writer to work on your assignment.

Samuel Adams and Thomas Hutchinson are considered to be important historical figures, as they were the first people struggling for their people and for the decreasing of taxes for goods, especially for tea. They were not afraid to lose, as they wanted to make the situation better and help people living in Boston. Thomas Hutchinson was a governor of Massachusetts in that period of time and this event would certainly increase his reputation among people living in Boston in that time. Samuel Adams was one of the early patriot leaders in Boston making a protest against British rule on that territory. As for the habits leading to the Boston Tea Party, Samuel Adams and Thomas Hutchinson were great leaders and implemented critical thinking in different spheres of their life. is the solution to all of your problems concerning graduate term paper writing and other types of academic papers on different subjects of studies.

Walker (2007) stated that “Adams was a tax collector, but he was not very good at it, as his strength was in politics, especially political writing and strategy” (p. 61). During his career, he joined different local political organizations in order to gain a great reputation and become a better politician. So, such habits could be helpful for inventing plans and strategies during such a historical event as the Boston Tea party. 6) One main distinction about the Boston Tea Party which may not be seen in different materials on the present historical event concerns itself with participants of this event, as some sources enumerate only two main leaders, such as Samuel Adams and Thomas Hutchinson. But there were also some people who made their contribution to this conflict, such as John Hancock and Paul Revere.

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From the whole amount of strategies for critical reading, I implemented contextualizing, as it is necessary to place the text in the necessary historical and cultural context. Besides, I used the strategy of summarizing and evaluating arguments in order to answer the given questions and express my personal point of view. People should be able not only to implement the given material according to given historical event but also to assess the information properly and be sure to provide a personal evaluation of facts described. Save your time and get cheap college papers from our website:

I think there could be different way-out avoiding this historical incident. First of all, The British Government should not have to raise taxes, at least implement them at lower rates. Then, the population of Boston could have solved the present problem on the political level through some meetings and decisions. There is always a chance to solve everything quietly, without struggles and fights. But the main role in the present historical event is still attached to Britain and its decision to raise taxes for the population of American colonies.

In order to regain a level of curiosity about history, it is necessary not simply to focus on the event and its details, but sometimes to implement some interactive activities connected with the event. People could implement such activities, as watching the film and comparing the events or acting the event in class. In this case, this will be easier to remember the main characters and the procedure for the event. Moreover, if our professional custom writing services fail to deliver the work on time or the writer doesn’t meet your expectations, you will be protected with a money back guarantee.

The Boston Tea Party was the main element leading to the American revolution in future when all colonized stated joined together in order to struggle against the British rule and as a result became the United States of America. The main element was to lower taxes for goods shipped from England to the American colonies, as Americans bought tea very often and the price was too high for them. But another element was to gain independence from Britain, as it suppressed American colonies.

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