Writing Descriptive Essays


Need help writing a descriptive essay? Our expert team provides efficient essay writing services for students who are looking for high-quality papers. We have had years of experience in paper writing help. While writing descriptive essays you should know that language of such essays differs from other essays. Descriptive language can be characterized as for structure independence, slow manner of description, unexpected deviations from the topic, association, metaphors, rhetoric devices, possible variations of word-combinations – everything confirms to the style of writing descriptive essays.

We recommend reading the following articles in order to learn more about writing descriptive essays: sample environmental pollution essay, a guide on narrative essay structure, and advice on character description essay writing!


As for the volume requirements for the descriptive essay, you should not write a novel or poem making up 15 and more pages. The style of the essay is intended to disclose a subject in 1-2 pages. Brevity is the soul of wit, so you should describe something in the short form, but not forgetting about the language specifics. Read more topic ideas for your descriptive essays on our blog: https://us.essaywritingservices.org/blog/descriptive-essay-topics.html.

The structure is the same as for any kind of essay, but while writing descriptive essays you can present your observations in the order you prefer. If you feel that this or that structure is the best for disclosing a subject and readers can understand something better because of the specific order, so you can do it, but try to stick to standard structure of the essay. 

A descriptive essay should present your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and observations.

Writing descriptive essays does not imply the scientific language. You should not be confused by the fact that writing descriptive essays is part of the study process. You are writing a descriptive essay; therefore the language should not be pseudo-scientific. Do not apply too much numeric data, analytic calculations and other mathematics data. Your task is to share memories, emotions, and observations rather than to produce a scientific paper.

Be realistic and provide vivid examples from your real life.

The Purpose of Writing Descriptive Essays

  • to develop the ability to single out main components of a subject,
  • to observe typical actions of subjects;
  • to analyze the specific features

Writing descriptive essays has two functions: developing – it develops thinking abilities, ability to mark out the main things and educative – it trains to be independent in the description, to have own point of view and to be able to give proofs.

Custom Writing Help

If the process of writing descriptive essays is confusing for you or requires a lot of time which is lacking, do not hesitate to order custom description essays writing help at our site! We are able to write the best original essay for you within any deadline of your choice. Is your descriptive essay due tomorrow morning? No problem! We can write it overnight for you!

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