Favorite Wish Essay


Favorite wish essay falls into the category of personal essay writing. When you are working on essay writing, you should be ready to devote sufficient time to think about the topic, developing an outline, and creating the structure for the whole essay. Every person has a favorite wish. Some people dream of having an expensive car, others want to be rich, while somebody dreams of being happy. There are no limits to your imagination. The following essay is general as it is devoted to the wish of autonomy in political terms. If you need a personal essay about your favorite essay, you may try our professional essay writing services. We guarantee high-quality writing and adequate customer support.  We strive not to be late with essay delivery and we take into account all requirements. You may also find it helpful to review free compare and contrast essays on our blog.

Favorite Wish Essay Sample

The French Revolution and the Enlightenment were both characterized by the same wish for autonomy and by a similar range of ambivalence. The Revolution, the necessary violation of legitimate authority and traditional custom, provoked, therefore, a value crisis in French society, and what might have concluded with a reasonable termination of violence developed into a bewildering complexity of motive, anxiety, and interest that protracted the revolutionary unrest. In case, you need help with writing a persuasive essay, contact us and get a high-quality persuasive essay on the topic needed for a low price.

The Revolution destroyed all political manifestation of hereditary privilege, and the representative government that was organized should have been able to integrate the expression of pluralistic interests. However, the Revolution failed to achieve a consensus, in part because the aristocracy would not abide the consequences, but more significantly, because those who agreed on the Revolution in principle could not agree on the extent to which the new values were to be implemented. There was no action taken after July 1789 that did not exacerbate the fears of some bloc, which then proceeded to conspire against, threaten, and violate constituted authority. Because of the unending succession of issues and crises, substantial elements of the right and the left were unable to invest allegiance in common authority. Read our free essay sample on American history: https://us.essaywritingservices.org/blog/american-history-term-paper.

The revolutionaries were ambivalent. In all classes, at all levels of society, men were drawn between the internal attachment to the old values and the desire to implement the new. The future of the monarchy was particularly affecting; the revolutionaries were unable to decide on the extent to which the king's authority still obtained if indeed it obtained at all. The value conflict brought on by the Revolution is apparent also in the relationship between economic crisis and mass action, particularly in Paris. On the one hand, the various assemblies, anxious to institute the new values of autonomy and inclusion, had no ultimate intention of imposing economic restrictions on society. On the other hand, insofar as the sans-culottes declaimed against profits and big business, or thought in terms of a just price rather than the price the market could bear, they referred to and acted upon the values of the ancient régime.

The king's attempted escape, the flight to Varennes (June 21, 1791), was decisive for the continuing political role of the sans-culottes. The king's defection gave objective content to their persistent fears of betrayal and justified their withdrawal from authority and their aggression against the symbol. The masses practised a rough democracy, but the defensive qualities were evident. The sans-culottes, especially, reacted with a rigidity of perception to economic and political crises--which accounts for the exclusive and authoritarian overtones evident in their behaviour.

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